Monday, April 30, 2007

"Have an 'Incredible' Day!"

We had our 6th grade citizenship field trip to John's Incredible Pizza today. Every time they made an announcement they would end it with "and have an Incredible day!" in a perky voice. Very annoying!

Connor's list of future job aspirations include:
police man
trash man
baseball player (but not a basketball player)
Duke University Alumni

Things to work on with Connor (per his teacher): Coloring inside the lines. They've already got them tracing letters and trying to color in the lines. He's in the 2 year old class! (They are older two's or have already turned three, like Connor.)

Apparently he a Breona have been throwing sand at each other in the sand box. This is per Connor, not the teacher, so I am not sure what's going on. But, what a weird way to spell Breanna.

This weekend we finished the move. Friday, we were up until 1:30 in the morning loading and unloading my dad's truck, only to do it again on Saturday. Now we just have to go through all of the crap at our new place and put it away or take it to storage or give it to people or sell get the point. It's a little overwhelming. When we did the first weekend of moving we thought, "I think we will be able to fit in this small place!". Then after the second weekend of moving we started to get a little crowded, but got stuff put away. Now, it's just a bit crazy. We've got stuff on the porch, in the driveway, in the car...again, you get the point.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Avon Walk

Hi everyone! In an earlier blog (Sleepless in Fontana) I indicated that I would be participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer again this year! I have signed up and here is my Avon Walk page. You can see some pics of me from the 2005 walk, read about The Avon Foundation, and of course DONATE! Thanks so much in advance for your support! Copy and paste the link below to view my Avon Walk page.

Friday, April 20, 2007

For realsies

This time it's for realsies!!! Kelsey said Mama! We were practicing on the way home again and she said it twice. Then I told her to tell Grandma what she said and she looked at Grandma and said "Mama . . . Mama". It was so exciting!

So, Grey's Update:
~Christina was hilarious last night with the girly-girl feign and the nailpolish! So funny!

~I knew the second those Hannah's parent's said "Are you Dr. Stevens?"-I knew they were the adoptive parents. It took Dan a minute because he forgot that Izzy had a daughter (a key detail of the show that we women have logged in to our memory banks, unlike Men with their Baseball statistics).

~Meredith was quite b*%#y with her step-mom. I am so over the whole "I'm damaged because my mom was over controlling and over bearing and my daddy left us" thing. Move on! Get a heart!!!!

~And what's with Derek contemplating misery over company? I know some people are career driven, but losing the woman you love for a 2nd time (two and a half if you count when she "died") in order to become chief of surgery? Is that necessary? Mc Dreamy? Not so much anymore. More like Mc Chiefy? or maybe Mc Driven? I don't know...Can you come up with a better one?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Big Firsts!

We think Kelsey said her first words today! Connor was practicing with her in the car on the way home (saying Mama and Dada over and over to her). WHen we got home Kelsey looked right at Dan and said "Da"!!!! Then she looked at me and said "ba". Not quite "Ma", but if you do both of these sounds out loud right now you will see that these are very close to each other. Yea!

Pre-school: Day Two
Another good day! We are so proud that he is doing well in school. No problems with other kids. He is apparently not following directions very well with the teacher yet (big shocker). So, we will work on that. I'm so glad that he has been OK with being dropped off there! It would break my heart if he were to cry when I left! (Sorry Trebs!)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

"I'm a big boy now"

Connor started pre-school yesterday!!! I can't believe it! If you look at one of my previous blogs I talked about blubbering about him moving to a big boy bed and being worried about not being able to cope with him starting school. Luckily I left to go to work and Dan stayed for a few more minutes to make sure he was OK. When Dan went to leave he said Connor had this sad, lost look in his eyes that made Dan sad. I think if it were me I would have lost it! I guess it was a good thing that I had to be back at work!

He apparently did very well at school. The teacher seemed impressed that he knew his numbers and letters already (Yea me). He did not want to use the big biy potty though. (He is not yet potty trained.) It's a big adjustment, you know, starting school and moving to a new place, so I was not surprised that he was resistant to her. He is very resistant to me with potty training as well. I'm sure within a couple of weeks he will be fine. Connor seemed to get along with the other children, although he didn't know any of their names when I picked him up. :-) We will have to work on those social skills! His teacher, Miss Wendy, is very nice and talked to me for quite a while yesterday. So far I think this will be a good fit for him. Unfortunately we have to register for next year in the next few weeks, so we need to decide if we like it there very quickly!

Monday, April 16, 2007

I hate Shmirna!

So we moved! We started sleeping in the new house on Friday night. It's been a tough last few days but we are handling it OK. It worked out really well to move a little bit at a time. We were able to move suff and unpack it, then go more more stuff and unpack it, etc. It made everything much less overwhelming. Plus we were able to make sure everything fits before bringing too much from the old house. All of the stuff from the old house still needs to be packed up then moved into storage before May 1. CRAZY!

Speaking of crazy, I hate Charla and Mirna! If you watch Amazing Race, you know who I am talking about. These two girls are sooooo pushy and annoying and call everyone "my friend" to manipulate them. They keep saying they are playing the game with dignity and integrity, but they are the worst!!!! So I call them Shmirna, as you can see in the title of my blog.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Sleepless in Fontana

Well, my brain just would not turn off tonight, thinking off the endless tasks to do in the next 3 days. Moving is tough-especially with two kiddos! The things running through my mind were not things you would forget. Like "Don't forget to pack the glasses". Duh. So, alas, I got up and came downstairs to do some of the mindless tasks I had set aside for tomorrow (well, now later today), like packing those darn glasses.

What's really tough is moving from a 1600 square foot house to a 600 square foot appartment (I don't know if those are the actual dimensions). To catch you up, me and fam are renting out our house and moving in to my mom's back house. It is a one-bedroom, one bathroom joint with endless cupboard space in the kitchen (but no dishwasher *%#@). Our little guy will be sleeping is "his" room in the main house and the baby will sleep in a pack n play in our room. The main reasons for the move are:
1. Closer driving distance to work
2. Thus, save money on gas
3. Save money due to less rent and utilities
4. Fontana is so dang hot, windy, and far. Although we have been getting so many new stores/restaurants in the last year!

So the plan is to move all of the necessities to the new place this week and be living there by Sunday. Then everything else will go into storage. It's going to be crazy, but we will manage!

I heard a great quote on Oprah the other day. The gist of it was, "Life is not about being successful. It's about being significant." WOW! I love it! But then I got to thinking, "Am I being significant?" I hope that I am significant to at least some of the children I teach. I hope I make a significant sontribution to society in some way. (Not looking for sympathy comments here.)

On a related note, I have been thinking about doing the Avon Walk again this year. Now that we have officially put off the Colorado move for a bit, I can commit to doing the walk (which is in September). I skipped it last year since I had a c-section 6 weeks before the walk. For those of you who don't know, I did the walk two years ago (2005) with my dear friend Darcy. God laid it on my heart to sign up for it in like January or something. Come to find out, my mom was diagnosed with Breast cancer 3 days before the walk! She is doing great-had the tumors removed and went through radiation treatments. No chemo! No masectomy! YEAH! Obviously this was the reason God put this in my life. That walk really gave me the support I needed at that difficult time.

So, I am signing up! I will post a link to my Avon Walk page so you can visit it (and pledge if you so choose).

Goodnight, I hope . . .

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hilarious Must Sees!!!!!

If you don't already know, I love J.T. (that is, Jultin Timberlake). He's a great artist. And now we find out he is absolutely hilarious as well! If you did not see him on SNL (Saturday Night Live, for those of you who live in a box), he was so funny! Here are a few videos from that! Enjoy:

Warning: Explicit!

Monday, April 9, 2007


How cute is my daughter! I just have to brag. Sorry. Unfortunately the weather was very drizzly on Easter so we did not make it to church. Only Papa and Noni got to see her in the dress.

I feel awful though, as we got Kelsey all dressed up, I went in to Connor's room to get him dressed and realized I hadn't bought him an Easter outfit as well. He doesn't even have a button down shirt that fits him right now!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Resurection Eggs

We went to an Easter Egg Hunt at a farm today with a bunch of people from Church. It was really fun! Connor really got the whole egg hunt this year. Also, they told the story of Jesus' death and resurection. They used 12 eggs as props, and each one had a different item inside symbolizing Jesus' journey to Jerusalem all the way through the resurrection. Connor caught on very quickly that in order to be picked you had to raise your hand at just the right time.

He finally got picked for egg number 8 (which ended up being a white cloth to symbolize the shrouds they wrapped the body in) and was so excited! He ran up to the front yelling "I get to open it!" It was really cute.

Although what was not cute, was him later screaming because he wanted to start the egg hunt. Embarrassing? Why yes!

What was cute though was on the way to the farm we saw a lot of cows. After a while Connor yelled out " I . . . LOVE . . . COWS!!!!!!!"

Here are some pics from our day at the farm.