Friday, September 26, 2008

The Joker likes Greenday!

Once in a while we take our kids to McDonalds for a Happy Meal, and tonight was one of those nights.  Connor's Happy Meal Toy was a fake-lego Joker.  As we are driving along, a song by Green Day comes on and Connor says, "Oh!  The Joker likes Green Day!"

Don't kids sometimes say the funniest things!  

Speaking of, Kelsey is finally learning how to "Use her words".  Yesterday she said Connor was mean, which got him very upset (like sad upset).  Then today she told me when he kicked her.  Yeah for using your words!  Now if we could just do something about that kicking . . .

Disclaimer: Connor is a very nice boy who usually treats his sister very kindly.  But they all have their moments!

Friday, September 12, 2008


        There is soooooo much political info going around right now (which is good).  But, I know the overload is coming!  As soon as Season Premier Week begins (9/22) I am sure we will be inundated with ads.  Thank goodness for the DVR!  I can fast forward through all of that crap and make my hour long program 42 minutes like it should be!!! 

          Here is a link I received to a video about McCain lying about Obama in his TV Ads.  Once on YouTube I decided to search for videos about Obama lying.  I like to be thorough in my research.  It's always good to hear both sides.  There is also a video about Palin's views on shooting an endangered species.  Then I've included Palin's interview with Charlie Gibson (I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this one!).

Now I am the one inundating YOU with info!

No matter who you are planning on voting for it is important to be well informed. People often look over their preferred candidate's faults.  I have been guilty of this too!  Unfortunately we end up voting for the "lesser of two evils".  Either way, find out all you can about both candidates.  Visit their websites.  And make sure EVERYONE you know is registered to vote!