Watching the VP Debate made me think of a scene from friends where Monica manipulates Chandler into having sex even though they are in a fight. At dinner, when placing his order, he says "I'll have the manipulative shrew".
I recalled this episode because as I watched the debate I found myself thinking how manipulative Sarah Palin was. Don't get me wrong, I think she did her job very well that night. However, she has a way of manipulating her audience by saying things like, "The American people want to hear ..." or "What the American people want right now is ..." I found myself thinking, "If I didn't know any better I would agree that the American people DO want this!" Manipulative.
She has a way of looking directly into the camera and talking about being a soccer mom that makes you feel like, "I relate to her. She's one of us. She's a normal gal. She could be my neighbor." I just don't think that being relatable or being "just like me" makes her qualified to be the Vice President or, God forbid, the President! I don't think I am qualified to be the president, nor are 98% of other joe-shmoe americans. Why would I want that? No! I want someone who is qualified. Who is very intelligent. Who is level headed. Who can make good decisions and who surrounds him/herself with people who help him/her to do these things.
I don't know if any candidate can live up to these high expectations, but I sure hope they will try.
I was a little dissapointed that Joe Biden was not the attack dog he is known to be in DC. I hope he was not being chivalrous so as not to look like he was attacking a woman. He did "man-up" after a bit, but by that time she was on a roll. She even ended up attacking him in such a nice and genial way that you ended up chuckling along with her (and the audience who was supposed to be silent). Luckily the polls showed that it did not help her.