Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

We had a great time on Halloween!  The kids were so excited to get in their costumes and go trick or treating!  Kelsey caught on after about a block that she was going to get candy at each house and became much more eager to go to the door.  She just wanted to eat that piece of candy NOW!  Patience is so hard to teach a 2 year old!  

After about 2 blocks Connor said he wanted to go home (whew!).  Which was great because that meant we didn't get very much candy!  When we got home the kids had so much fun greeting the other kids, seeing all of the other costumes, and handing out candy!  I really think they had more fun doing that than trick or treating!  Connor was rotating through, "Happy Halloween", "Happy Harvest", and "I like your costume".  He is such a crack up!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My baby boy has hit another milestone!  He has learned to ride a two-wheeler (no training wheels!).  He actually learned at pre-school.  I guess one kid could do it and then his whole class was Determined (with a capital D) to do it too!  They spent about 2 weeks doing nothing but taking turns on the two-wheelers and now they all can do it!  

We of course had no idea that this was going on, but Connor spent about a week trying to convince us to take off the training wheels.  We kept telling him that we needed to wait until the weekend so we could spend the whole day working on it.  But, he wore us down.  I ended up texting his teacher to ask her if he was telling the truth about doing it at school-and he was!  We felt so bad for not believing him!  

Monday, October 13, 2008


I hate campaign smear ads.  I hate watching TV in October every year for this reason.  I hate that people can be so deceptive.  I hate that there are people in this country who are listening to the lies and not finding out the facts for themselves.  I hate that people at Obama's events are yelling things like "He's a Muslim!  Kill him!"  

Seriously?  SERIOUSLY?????


Barack Obama was actually sworn into the Senate on his family Bible.  He's regularly attended church with his family for years.  He is a committed Christian.  

These nasty rumors have got to stop!  It is really insulting to people of all faiths.  Spread the word!  Get The Facts to your Mc Cain supporting friends and family.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Feelin' Groovy

Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts.  I am feeling better, although my stomach is still a little sensitive.  I will be having an ultrasound on my tummy and gall bladder area, as well as follow up blood work this week. Apparently my liver enzymes were just a tad higher than normal, so my doc wants to see if they are still high.  One of the causes of this is the gall bladder.  So we will see if that is the case.  JUST SAY NO TO SURGERY!  

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I've always found myself to be pretty moderate in my political beliefs.  I agree with some issues on both sides of the aisle.  At election time, I find myself choosing "the best man for the job", or the "lesser of two evils".  I have voted both Democrat and Republican.  But now I find out this interesting fact:
Our 4th president, James Madison was a "Democratic Republican".  Can that be a new party for the moderates?  Or a revival of an old one?

Sunday, October 5, 2008


About 3:30 yesterday I started to have really bad stomach pains.  They were excruciating to the point of me crying-a lot.  I thought it might be my gall bladder.  I went to the ER and they gave me some green foamy stuff that tasted like scope to "calm" my stomach (didn't help).  Then they gave me a pain medication in my IV which took the edge off the pain, but it came back full force after about an hour.  The doctor poked and prodded me and decided it was stomach inflamation, rather than my gall bladder or appendix.  Then they gave me morphine-which worked within minutes-and sent me home.

So, I can't eat spicy food, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, acidic foods, etc.  But at this point I don't really want anything.  I had some plain past last night and did OK.  This morning my raisin bran made the pain come back and has been here all day.  I will try soup tomorrow.

I was given a prescription antacid (plavorix?) and vicodin.  I am still in some pain, but at least it is bearable today.  

I was very upset, however that I missed girls night to see The Women!  HOW WAS IT???

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I LOVE fall!

Autumn is such a beautiful word.  It flows nicely off the lips, don't you think?  I love the silent n.  It is a much more beautiful word than fall.  Autumn encompasses my love for this season so well!  

It has been so hot here that I didn't even realize autumn began two weeks ago!  Finally some respite.  Today it is cool. It is sprinkling.  I am wearing my pumpkin colored sweater.  The kids are wearing long sleeves.  Only Dan is unaffected.  He was still in shorts today.  (But, for those of you that know him, you have to give him credit for wearing pants to work every day!)  

Last Saturday I got up and, instead of starting the usual weekend chores, I decided to make some pumpkin bread in the hopes that it would bring autumn temperatures and colors to our house.  I guess it worked!!!

Maybe I will find a new "autumn layout" for my blog . . .

Friday, October 3, 2008

"I'll have the manipulative shrew."

Watching the VP Debate made me think of a scene from friends where Monica manipulates Chandler into having sex even though they are in a fight.  At dinner, when placing his order, he says "I'll have the manipulative shrew".  

I recalled this episode because as I watched the debate I found myself thinking how manipulative Sarah Palin was.  Don't get me wrong, I think she did her job very well that night.  However, she has a way of manipulating her audience by saying things like, "The American people want to hear ..." or "What the American people want right now is ..."  I found myself thinking, "If I didn't know any better I would agree that the American people DO want this!" Manipulative.

She has a way of looking directly into the camera and talking about being a soccer mom that makes you feel like, "I relate to her.  She's one of us.  She's a normal gal.  She could be my neighbor."  I just don't think that being relatable or being "just like me" makes her qualified to be the Vice President or, God forbid, the President!  I don't think I am qualified to be the president, nor are 98% of other joe-shmoe americans.  Why would I want that?  No!  I want someone who is qualified.  Who is very intelligent.  Who is level headed. Who can make good decisions and who surrounds him/herself with people who help him/her to do these things.  

I don't know if any candidate can live up to these high expectations, but I sure hope they will try.

I was a little dissapointed that Joe Biden was not the attack dog he is known to be in DC.  I hope he was not being chivalrous so as not to look like he was attacking a woman.  He did "man-up" after a bit, but by that time she was on a roll.  She even ended up attacking him in such a nice and genial way that you ended up chuckling along with her (and the audience who was supposed to be silent).  Luckily the polls showed that it did not help her.