Well, it has been over a month since my last blog! WOW! My apologies to my loyal fans! j/k
As you can see baby Kelsey is here! She is 5 weeks old today. She has started smiling at us and making little "cooing" noises (which sound nothing like cooing, but more like she's saying "uhh". She also sounds like she has a scratchy voice! So cute!)
She sometimes will suck on her hands, especially when she is having "tummy time". The other day she sucked so hard on her arm she actually gave herself a hickey!!!! So funny!
Connor is a great big brother. Always kissing her and playing with her head. He is very sweet.
Well, today is the 5th anniversary of September 11. The coverage has been on all day. It has once again been overwhelming emotionally, as it is every year. It seems my emotional "wounds" are still fresh every time I see the buildings on fire or collapsing. I guess it's a good reminder of what can happen and that we need to do everything we can to protect our country. Also, everyone kept talking about the amazing unity and patriotism that came out of that day. I hope that with all of the coverage today that people will remember once again patriotism, humanitarianism, how to love your neighbor, and to fly a flag. The stories even carried onto ESPN's monday night football countdown! And of course onto the football field as well. It's great to see everyone waving flags at the game and chanting "USA! USA! USA!"
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