Quote of the day from Connor: "I like Hoes!" Hilarious. Dan and I were silently laughing for like 10 minutes.
The backstory is we were reading a book about a farm and the children are holding a shovel and a hoe. He asked what they were and then said, "I like Hoes!"
Runner up:
Connor: "Mommy, can you put Green Day on the radio?"
Mommy: "You want to listen to Green Day?"
C: "Yea. I saw a green car and the mountains are green. Can you put on Green Day?"
2nd Runner Up:
Mommy: "Who did you play with at school today?"
C: "I played with 'D' ".
M: "Did you play with 'L'?"
C: "L's a butt-head."
The 2nd runner up was an unfortunate incident brought on by his raucous peers at his Christian pre-school. Due to the graphic nature of the incident points were deducted from the final tally.
On another note, I think I am the only one who is glad Wayne Newton was voted off of d|Dancing With the Starts last night. He was a terrible dancer and I think he was getting votes because people felt bad for him. It was like he's your grampa and so you feel obligated because he's such a sweet oldie.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
I wish I had this information to tell a crazy parent I had last year. . . Did you know for a teacher to teach all of the national/state standards that are required for Kindergarten through 12th grade it would take 27 years????? No wonder the US is so low on the list of educational achievment! We are trying to teach too many things EVERY YEAR! And we don't have enough time to teach mastery because we have to move on so we can cover all of our standards! Crazy! All of us teachers have known this all along, but the stupid people on the State Board of Education or our NEA or CTA are not doing their jobs to make it any better.
Don't get me started on the NEA or CTA. I have to pay dues to them and then they spend my money telling me to vote for certain candidates for all kinds of different offices. And you should see these leaflets they send out; professional grade color photos and all. Very expensive looking. Thank you for spending my money telling me to vote for someone I don't want to vote for. One of my coleagues even got a text message today telling them to vote for someone in particular! Unbelievable!
Don't get me started on the NEA or CTA. I have to pay dues to them and then they spend my money telling me to vote for certain candidates for all kinds of different offices. And you should see these leaflets they send out; professional grade color photos and all. Very expensive looking. Thank you for spending my money telling me to vote for someone I don't want to vote for. One of my coleagues even got a text message today telling them to vote for someone in particular! Unbelievable!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Update on life
Oh It's been way too long since I have posted!
I walked in the Avon Walk last weekend with my stress fractured foot. I shouldn't have walked at all, but my goal was to make it 1 mile and I walked 4 before it started to hurt. So Dan picked me up from the beach. I still had an amazing time and signed up to walk again next year! The pictures above are from that. One of me with the Avon Walk blow up thingy that we all sign when we arrive at the Queen Mary at 5:30 AM. (I wish I could put 5:30 in capitals to emphasize how early that is for me.) The second pic is of Connor, Kelsey and I all in our pink shirts.
I am back to school as of August 28th. Yes I said August. CRAZY! It was very odd starting school in August this year, but it will be good to have the entire week off for Thanksgiving. So far the year is going well, except for one kid (there's always one). We'll call him "Mosh Pit". That's how I refer to him to the other teachers. It actually has to do with his real name, but I can't disclose it here. Anyway, he is SOOOO hyper. Never raises his hand, is always talking to me or others, is constantly turned around in his seat, etc. Friday he went home early and I can't stress enough how quiet the room seemed to be. His parents are from another country and I find that foreigners have less of a tendency to get their kids tested for learning disabilities or ADD. Anyone out there have any idea why? I'm not one of those "Medicate them all!" people, but I do find that medication does work for some and has positive effects for many, rather than negative effects for a few.
Here in So Cal we are on "Storm Watch 2007". It has been raining off and on for 2 days (and I do mean raining-like cats and dogs). It's all the news stations can talk about. So Cal is weird that way. Although I can't remember the last time it rained in September. I do love the rain and the cool weather!
One of my favorite things about Fall is the crisp air, so I am so glad it cooled down this week so I got some of that. And Yeah-got to wear some new sweaters! There are a few deciduous trees here in La Verne, so I am looking forward to those beautiful fall colors on some of those trees. We used to have one in front of our FOntana house, but the darn city ripped it out because it started to raise the sidewalk. They left this big bare spot of sand (not dirt) in front of our house and even messed up our brick work. I had to fight them to come out and fix the bricks, but they never replaced the tree. We finally planted grass last week.
Speaking of the Fontana house, our renters are crazy. They have been coming up with the most ridiculous problems and Dan has been out there almost every day for the last two weeks! It has been very wearing. We had to give them some new phone rules because they would call us like 10 times in a row without leaving a message. Or call and leave demanding messages. We are just so fed up with them. But every time we talk to them they tell us how much they love the house and how they want us to extend their lease. We don't get them. Why complain so much if you love it?
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Big Girl!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Yesterday was BEACH DAY!! This was Kelsey's first trip to the beach and Connor's second (I know we are bad So Cal Parents). Connor and Daddy had a lot of fun playing in the sand. Connor is still not so hip on the waves rushing at him or the COLD water, but enjoyed making a castle. Kelsey and I just sat on our blanket and played with empty baby food jars. Funny how much money you can spend on toys for babies and all they want to play with is things you have in your kitchen, like pots, tupperware, or in this case, trash. ha ha ha
Monday, July 30, 2007
Poop Watch 2007
Kelsey has learned how to shake her head no! It's so cute! She does it to copy you and it's her new dance move!!!! Hilarious! She also did a "hands in the air like you don't care" dance in the car today for most of a Pink Floyd song. So funny! I can't believe Kelsey will be one next week! She is still so little - yet getting so big! No word on first steps . . . I will of course post that!!!
Poop Watch 2007:
We are still waiting for Poop #5 so we can get "Harvey" the train (see previous blog entry "Dirty Jobs" with the picture of the poo-poo chart). Connor has started pooping during naptime, so it's hard to catch him to go to the bathroom. (BTW, we do put a diaper on him for bed!!!) He went pee-pee standing up for the first time on Saturday. Dan was so proud and thought that deserved the final sticker. Men... :-)
Poop Watch 2007:
We are still waiting for Poop #5 so we can get "Harvey" the train (see previous blog entry "Dirty Jobs" with the picture of the poo-poo chart). Connor has started pooping during naptime, so it's hard to catch him to go to the bathroom. (BTW, we do put a diaper on him for bed!!!) He went pee-pee standing up for the first time on Saturday. Dan was so proud and thought that deserved the final sticker. Men... :-)
Friday, July 20, 2007
Fire Truck
You know how kids, boys especially LOVE fire trucks. . . well we were searching for videos of fire trucks on You Tube for Connor to see and we came across this one!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Book Release Impending!!!
I just finished re-reading book 5. I finished it 2 days before the movie came out, which gave me a bit of a biased point of view. I kept pointing out to Dan when things were different between the book and movie.
I am going to re-read book 6 now and hope to be done by the release time. Here's a countdown!
I am going to re-read book 6 now and hope to be done by the release time. Here's a countdown!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
We went and saw The Order of the Phoenix today. It was really, REALLY good. Very cool camera angles and up to date stuff like that. Of course, there were many changes in the story line and some stuff was left out. But the book is the longest book in the world, second only to the Bible. Here's aQuiz to take!
Find out your Harry Potter personality at LiquidGeneration!
Find out your Harry Potter personality at LiquidGeneration!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Not a good way to get a "Colon Cleansin'"
Check out this headline!
Drain Sucks out Girl's Intestines
Not a good situation in any circle! Makes you want to cross your legs. Also makes you wonder what in the heck the girl was doing sitting on a freaking drain at the bottom of the pool! And for long enough to suck out her intestines????? Parents-hello??? Watch the child in the pool!!!!
Not a good situation in any circle! Makes you want to cross your legs. Also makes you wonder what in the heck the girl was doing sitting on a freaking drain at the bottom of the pool! And for long enough to suck out her intestines????? Parents-hello??? Watch the child in the pool!!!!
Friday, June 29, 2007
"Dirty" Jobs

Well, It's day five of Sore Throat 07. It's not a good campaign. I think the nasal irrigation has taken my normal moisture away and I have the driest throat EVER. So, I now sound sexy, or manish, depending on what you think is sexy.
Connor went poo-poo in the potty again last night, so we started the poo-poo chart on the fridge. 5 Stickers and he can get Harvey!!! What's amazing is when he just disappears and then comes out of the bathroom with the good news.
Kelsey has started standing up in her crib. The problem is that she can't figure out how to sit back down for some reason and stands there SCREAMING her head off and biting the crib rail. She gets hysterical. It's really bad. We have tried to teach her how to slide her hands down the rail to sit back down, but she has not gotten the hang of it. What I don't understand is that babies just fall onto their butts all the time when they are first learning to stand or walk. But in the crib-where it's padded-it somehow becomes impossible to just sit back down???? Weird.
Trebs mentioned that she is currently watching The Tudors. Great show-if you missed it, rent it when it comes out. Speaking of . . . Did you see the season finale? The opening scene of the season finale was, for lack of a better word, grody! To put it as nicely as I can, in the opening scene King Henry is standing there pleasuring himself while a mae servant is kneeling in front of him with a cloth to catch the . . . well, you get the idea. Sounds like a new episode of ˆDirty jobsˆ. Ha ha ha!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
If it burns, it's working?
I tried the "nasal irrigation" this morning (see post below). I think my nose was too stuffed up to snort the salt water. I got a little bit all the way up to my nasal cavity, but no burning. Hmmmmmm. . . Not enough salt in my mixture? Didn't snort enough? High tolerance for pain? Just a dumb thing the P.A. made me do thinking it was hilarious and laughing behind my back as I left the doc's office?
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
New Job :-(
Yes, I know, it's summer . . . but we must pay for our bills. So, I have gotten a summer job at Lane Bryant, which is about 1 mile from our house. I interviewed yesterday and had training today. It was pretty boring, filling out forms and watching videos on "Shrink" (which everyone seems to know is loos prevention, but being out of the retail market for over 10 years, I had no clue!).
One funny thing was when we had to go out into the store and create an outfit to certain parameters, then come back and talk about it. Afterwards, we had to return the items to the floor. I was waiting for this older lady to finish getting something off the rack, so I asked if I could help her. Once I untangled the shirt from the hanger she said, "OK Now I need some white pants with elastic waist." Which is hilarious in and of itself because that is to polyester-1970's and sooooo old lady! So I told her we didn't have any with elastic waists but I could find another pair for her. She wanted to sit down, and as she did she asked for the pants and for me to pick out 3 more tops for her that would go with white or black pants. What's even funnier is she had no idea what size she was and wanted me to figure it out!!!! Luckily the store manager heard all of this and asked some one to take over for me so I could go back to my training! SO funny! I guess I just jumped in with both feet!
On a bad note, I came down with a sore throat about 15 minutes before my interview yesterday and feel awful today. I got drugs though and hopefully those will kick in ASAP! Another funny (but not ha ha) note, the doctor wants me to do "nasal irrigations" to loosen up the PND (Post Nasal Drip). DISGUSTING!!! Snorting salk water-eeeewww (which she warned me will burn). Why would I take this advice!?!?!?!? I'll keep you updated on whether or not I do this and if it is a successful treatment! Hee hee!
One funny thing was when we had to go out into the store and create an outfit to certain parameters, then come back and talk about it. Afterwards, we had to return the items to the floor. I was waiting for this older lady to finish getting something off the rack, so I asked if I could help her. Once I untangled the shirt from the hanger she said, "OK Now I need some white pants with elastic waist." Which is hilarious in and of itself because that is to polyester-1970's and sooooo old lady! So I told her we didn't have any with elastic waists but I could find another pair for her. She wanted to sit down, and as she did she asked for the pants and for me to pick out 3 more tops for her that would go with white or black pants. What's even funnier is she had no idea what size she was and wanted me to figure it out!!!! Luckily the store manager heard all of this and asked some one to take over for me so I could go back to my training! SO funny! I guess I just jumped in with both feet!
On a bad note, I came down with a sore throat about 15 minutes before my interview yesterday and feel awful today. I got drugs though and hopefully those will kick in ASAP! Another funny (but not ha ha) note, the doctor wants me to do "nasal irrigations" to loosen up the PND (Post Nasal Drip). DISGUSTING!!! Snorting salk water-eeeewww (which she warned me will burn). Why would I take this advice!?!?!?!? I'll keep you updated on whether or not I do this and if it is a successful treatment! Hee hee!
Friday, June 15, 2007
"School's Out For Summer!"
Yeah!!! I can't believe we are finally done! I shouldn't say finally since I was on maternity leave until December 4, but still . . . Yeah! It's done. Despite the fact that this year has been extremely trying with one particular class, they were actually pretty good today. I would say that this was a good last day. Most off the time I am so annoyed by the end of the day that I don't even care that they are leaving.
Just a few reminders: Visit my Avon Walk page and donate if you can (even small amounts-it all adds up!). http://www.avonwalk.org Click donate and search for me by name. Or send a donation to PO Box 7637, La Verne, CA 91750
Also: Visit thePray for Rod Cathey blog. And please, PRAY!
A few headlines from around the country that I found funny:
1) Honey, the baby's spacewalking
“Baby monitor picks up NASA's live shuttle video.” Hilarious! Luckily the mom can still keep an eye on the baby with the other channel. Here’s the whole story:
2) Mr. Mayor: Shut up and grow up
Oh this is even funnier! There is some kind of editorial on how poorly “Villareconquista” is handling his divorce on the LA Times website. They don’t go into much detail, because Villaraigosa is asking people to give them privacy, but I love that the LA Times is actually headlining this title! And just when I thought they were too liberal . . . maybe the pendulum is swinging the other way???
Just a few reminders: Visit my Avon Walk page and donate if you can (even small amounts-it all adds up!). http://www.avonwalk.org Click donate and search for me by name. Or send a donation to PO Box 7637, La Verne, CA 91750
Also: Visit the
A few headlines from around the country that I found funny:
1) Honey, the baby's spacewalking
“Baby monitor picks up NASA's live shuttle video.” Hilarious! Luckily the mom can still keep an eye on the baby with the other channel. Here’s the whole story:
2) Mr. Mayor: Shut up and grow up
Oh this is even funnier! There is some kind of editorial on how poorly “Villareconquista” is handling his divorce on the LA Times website. They don’t go into much detail, because Villaraigosa is asking people to give them privacy, but I love that the LA Times is actually headlining this title! And just when I thought they were too liberal . . . maybe the pendulum is swinging the other way???
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Another BIG DAY!!!!!
Kelsey started crawling today!!!! Yea!
Guess what made her start moving . . . the vacuum!!!! So funny! She wanted to touch the vacuum bad enough and finally went for it. Just a couple of slow "steps", but she is on the way!!! Hooray!
Guess what made her start moving . . . the vacuum!!!! So funny! She wanted to touch the vacuum bad enough and finally went for it. Just a couple of slow "steps", but she is on the way!!! Hooray!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
We have been working on potty training and Connor has gotten pretty good and going pee pee in the potty. He has even started telling us when he has to go. So, tonight he went POO-POO in the potty for the first time!!!!!! YEAH!! He was in the bath and he grabbed his bottom and I asked him if he had to go. He said no, but then a few minutes later he suddenly stood up and said "I have to go poo poo!" So he got out and went in the potty!
His reward was to go get "Harvey" (a crane-train from the Thomas the Train set). BTW, there is an emphasis on the 'h' and the 'r' sounds when he says it. It's hilarious! When we went to Target they were out of Harvey's so we got a Transformer instead. I think Dan was more excited than Connor (and Connor was pretty excited).
His reward was to go get "Harvey" (a crane-train from the Thomas the Train set). BTW, there is an emphasis on the 'h' and the 'r' sounds when he says it. It's hilarious! When we went to Target they were out of Harvey's so we got a Transformer instead. I think Dan was more excited than Connor (and Connor was pretty excited).
Friday, June 8, 2007
Unfortunately a tragedy has occurred. Last night some students from my school were involved in a car accident. One 8th grade bot was killed, another 8th grade boy is in critical condition and the driver (who is the injured boy's 17 year old brother) was also killed. It has been a horrible and emotional day for all. I briefly had one of the boys in 6th grade, but remember him as being a really nice kid and a good student. He will be missed.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
My love-hate relationship with May
I have a love-hate relationship with May. I love the season finales of my shows, and the weeks leading up to it, but that means they are over for a while.
What an awesome episode of Heroes on Monday night! So cool that the girl that Matt saved is the "tracking device". I never saw that coming. I never thought it would be a person at all. Is D.L. really dead? What is Grandma Rose's power? More importantly, what is Sulu's (George Tekai plays Hiro's father) power? I personally think that Claire's Dad will die on the finale. I saw an interview with Hayden (Claire) where she said she must choose between something she loves and everyone else. So, that's what my money is on. I can't wait for the finale next week, which is supposed to be so awesome, but then that means no hero for a few months! :-( But, there is supposed to be a summer show where new "Heroes" are introduced and the audience gets to vote who will be on the show in the fall. FUN!
Can't wait for one of my other faves tonight! LOST!!! (Then tomorrow, everyone's favorite-Grey's Anatomy!!!! Yea!!!!)
What an awesome episode of Heroes on Monday night! So cool that the girl that Matt saved is the "tracking device". I never saw that coming. I never thought it would be a person at all. Is D.L. really dead? What is Grandma Rose's power? More importantly, what is Sulu's (George Tekai plays Hiro's father) power? I personally think that Claire's Dad will die on the finale. I saw an interview with Hayden (Claire) where she said she must choose between something she loves and everyone else. So, that's what my money is on. I can't wait for the finale next week, which is supposed to be so awesome, but then that means no hero for a few months! :-( But, there is supposed to be a summer show where new "Heroes" are introduced and the audience gets to vote who will be on the show in the fall. FUN!
Can't wait for one of my other faves tonight! LOST!!! (Then tomorrow, everyone's favorite-Grey's Anatomy!!!! Yea!!!!)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
for you mommy
Funniest thing happened yesterday!
Back story: We are potty training and Connor has gone pee-pee in the potty for everyone but me. He was also told he would get a train he wants if he goes poo-poo in the potty at home.
So, I was about to give Connor his bath last night and he was farting. So, I asked him if he needed to go poo-poo. He said no but I sat him on the pot anyway. He pushed and pushed and farted 3 or 4 times, then said, "that was for you Mommy". And he was completely serious! I almost died trying not to laugh!!!!!!!
Back story: We are potty training and Connor has gone pee-pee in the potty for everyone but me. He was also told he would get a train he wants if he goes poo-poo in the potty at home.
So, I was about to give Connor his bath last night and he was farting. So, I asked him if he needed to go poo-poo. He said no but I sat him on the pot anyway. He pushed and pushed and farted 3 or 4 times, then said, "that was for you Mommy". And he was completely serious! I almost died trying not to laugh!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Big Girl
Kelsey is a big girl now! She began eating Cheerios yesterday!!! I think we waited too long to try it because she just chewed them right up, no choking or anything. She is doing pretty well with the "pincer grasp" also.
Today my mom and I went to a Mother's day luncheon at Connor's pre-school. I was so excited. It was my first school event! The kids sang a song (well Connor's class mostly just stood there while the teacher sang) and then we had lunch. It was lots of fun! Can't wait till parent conferences next fall!
Today my mom and I went to a Mother's day luncheon at Connor's pre-school. I was so excited. It was my first school event! The kids sang a song (well Connor's class mostly just stood there while the teacher sang) and then we had lunch. It was lots of fun! Can't wait till parent conferences next fall!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Miss Wendy is leaving!
Sadly, Connor's Pre-School teacher, Miss Wendy is leaving. She has quit and we are sad to see her go. Connor really likes her. She has been great for the short time we were there. She has gotten him to go potty every day at school for two weeks now. (He just won't go at home! - HELP!)
I finally watched Grey's Anatomy on Saturday night (only two nights behind-not bad). It was very weird. The whole thing was about Addison going to LA. It was like the pilot episode for her new TV show, but with a few clips thrown in here and there from the gang back at Seattle Grace. I did not enjoy.
I finally watched Grey's Anatomy on Saturday night (only two nights behind-not bad). It was very weird. The whole thing was about Addison going to LA. It was like the pilot episode for her new TV show, but with a few clips thrown in here and there from the gang back at Seattle Grace. I did not enjoy.
Monday, April 30, 2007
"Have an 'Incredible' Day!"
We had our 6th grade citizenship field trip to John's Incredible Pizza today. Every time they made an announcement they would end it with "and have an Incredible day!" in a perky voice. Very annoying!
Connor's list of future job aspirations include:
police man
trash man
baseball player (but not a basketball player)
Duke University Alumni
Things to work on with Connor (per his teacher): Coloring inside the lines. They've already got them tracing letters and trying to color in the lines. He's in the 2 year old class! (They are older two's or have already turned three, like Connor.)
Apparently he a Breona have been throwing sand at each other in the sand box. This is per Connor, not the teacher, so I am not sure what's going on. But, what a weird way to spell Breanna.
This weekend we finished the move. Friday, we were up until 1:30 in the morning loading and unloading my dad's truck, only to do it again on Saturday. Now we just have to go through all of the crap at our new place and put it away or take it to storage or give it to people or sell it...you get the point. It's a little overwhelming. When we did the first weekend of moving we thought, "I think we will be able to fit in this small place!". Then after the second weekend of moving we started to get a little crowded, but got stuff put away. Now, it's just a bit crazy. We've got stuff on the porch, in the driveway, in the car...again, you get the point.
Connor's list of future job aspirations include:
police man
trash man
baseball player (but not a basketball player)
Duke University Alumni
Things to work on with Connor (per his teacher): Coloring inside the lines. They've already got them tracing letters and trying to color in the lines. He's in the 2 year old class! (They are older two's or have already turned three, like Connor.)
Apparently he a Breona have been throwing sand at each other in the sand box. This is per Connor, not the teacher, so I am not sure what's going on. But, what a weird way to spell Breanna.
This weekend we finished the move. Friday, we were up until 1:30 in the morning loading and unloading my dad's truck, only to do it again on Saturday. Now we just have to go through all of the crap at our new place and put it away or take it to storage or give it to people or sell it...you get the point. It's a little overwhelming. When we did the first weekend of moving we thought, "I think we will be able to fit in this small place!". Then after the second weekend of moving we started to get a little crowded, but got stuff put away. Now, it's just a bit crazy. We've got stuff on the porch, in the driveway, in the car...again, you get the point.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Avon Walk
Hi everyone! In an earlier blog (Sleepless in Fontana) I indicated that I would be participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer again this year! I have signed up and here is my Avon Walk page. You can see some pics of me from the 2005 walk, read about The Avon Foundation, and of course DONATE! Thanks so much in advance for your support! Copy and paste the link below to view my Avon Walk page.
Friday, April 20, 2007
For realsies
This time it's for realsies!!! Kelsey said Mama! We were practicing on the way home again and she said it twice. Then I told her to tell Grandma what she said and she looked at Grandma and said "Mama . . . Mama". It was so exciting!
So, Grey's Update:
~Christina was hilarious last night with the girly-girl feign and the nailpolish! So funny!
~I knew the second those Hannah's parent's said "Are you Dr. Stevens?"-I knew they were the adoptive parents. It took Dan a minute because he forgot that Izzy had a daughter (a key detail of the show that we women have logged in to our memory banks, unlike Men with their Baseball statistics).
~Meredith was quite b*%#y with her step-mom. I am so over the whole "I'm damaged because my mom was over controlling and over bearing and my daddy left us" thing. Move on! Get a heart!!!!
~And what's with Derek contemplating misery over company? I know some people are career driven, but losing the woman you love for a 2nd time (two and a half if you count when she "died") in order to become chief of surgery? Is that necessary? Mc Dreamy? Not so much anymore. More like Mc Chiefy? or maybe Mc Driven? I don't know...Can you come up with a better one?
So, Grey's Update:
~Christina was hilarious last night with the girly-girl feign and the nailpolish! So funny!
~I knew the second those Hannah's parent's said "Are you Dr. Stevens?"-I knew they were the adoptive parents. It took Dan a minute because he forgot that Izzy had a daughter (a key detail of the show that we women have logged in to our memory banks, unlike Men with their Baseball statistics).
~Meredith was quite b*%#y with her step-mom. I am so over the whole "I'm damaged because my mom was over controlling and over bearing and my daddy left us" thing. Move on! Get a heart!!!!
~And what's with Derek contemplating misery over company? I know some people are career driven, but losing the woman you love for a 2nd time (two and a half if you count when she "died") in order to become chief of surgery? Is that necessary? Mc Dreamy? Not so much anymore. More like Mc Chiefy? or maybe Mc Driven? I don't know...Can you come up with a better one?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Big Firsts!
We think Kelsey said her first words today! Connor was practicing with her in the car on the way home (saying Mama and Dada over and over to her). WHen we got home Kelsey looked right at Dan and said "Da"!!!! Then she looked at me and said "ba". Not quite "Ma", but if you do both of these sounds out loud right now you will see that these are very close to each other. Yea!
Pre-school: Day Two
Another good day! We are so proud that he is doing well in school. No problems with other kids. He is apparently not following directions very well with the teacher yet (big shocker). So, we will work on that. I'm so glad that he has been OK with being dropped off there! It would break my heart if he were to cry when I left! (Sorry Trebs!)
Pre-school: Day Two
Another good day! We are so proud that he is doing well in school. No problems with other kids. He is apparently not following directions very well with the teacher yet (big shocker). So, we will work on that. I'm so glad that he has been OK with being dropped off there! It would break my heart if he were to cry when I left! (Sorry Trebs!)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
"I'm a big boy now"
Connor started pre-school yesterday!!! I can't believe it! If you look at one of my previous blogs I talked about blubbering about him moving to a big boy bed and being worried about not being able to cope with him starting school. Luckily I left to go to work and Dan stayed for a few more minutes to make sure he was OK. When Dan went to leave he said Connor had this sad, lost look in his eyes that made Dan sad. I think if it were me I would have lost it! I guess it was a good thing that I had to be back at work!
He apparently did very well at school. The teacher seemed impressed that he knew his numbers and letters already (Yea me). He did not want to use the big biy potty though. (He is not yet potty trained.) It's a big adjustment, you know, starting school and moving to a new place, so I was not surprised that he was resistant to her. He is very resistant to me with potty training as well. I'm sure within a couple of weeks he will be fine. Connor seemed to get along with the other children, although he didn't know any of their names when I picked him up. :-) We will have to work on those social skills! His teacher, Miss Wendy, is very nice and talked to me for quite a while yesterday. So far I think this will be a good fit for him. Unfortunately we have to register for next year in the next few weeks, so we need to decide if we like it there very quickly!
He apparently did very well at school. The teacher seemed impressed that he knew his numbers and letters already (Yea me). He did not want to use the big biy potty though. (He is not yet potty trained.) It's a big adjustment, you know, starting school and moving to a new place, so I was not surprised that he was resistant to her. He is very resistant to me with potty training as well. I'm sure within a couple of weeks he will be fine. Connor seemed to get along with the other children, although he didn't know any of their names when I picked him up. :-) We will have to work on those social skills! His teacher, Miss Wendy, is very nice and talked to me for quite a while yesterday. So far I think this will be a good fit for him. Unfortunately we have to register for next year in the next few weeks, so we need to decide if we like it there very quickly!
Monday, April 16, 2007
I hate Shmirna!
So we moved! We started sleeping in the new house on Friday night. It's been a tough last few days but we are handling it OK. It worked out really well to move a little bit at a time. We were able to move suff and unpack it, then go more more stuff and unpack it, etc. It made everything much less overwhelming. Plus we were able to make sure everything fits before bringing too much from the old house. All of the stuff from the old house still needs to be packed up then moved into storage before May 1. CRAZY!
Speaking of crazy, I hate Charla and Mirna! If you watch Amazing Race, you know who I am talking about. These two girls are sooooo pushy and annoying and call everyone "my friend" to manipulate them. They keep saying they are playing the game with dignity and integrity, but they are the worst!!!! So I call them Shmirna, as you can see in the title of my blog.
Speaking of crazy, I hate Charla and Mirna! If you watch Amazing Race, you know who I am talking about. These two girls are sooooo pushy and annoying and call everyone "my friend" to manipulate them. They keep saying they are playing the game with dignity and integrity, but they are the worst!!!! So I call them Shmirna, as you can see in the title of my blog.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Sleepless in Fontana
Well, my brain just would not turn off tonight, thinking off the endless tasks to do in the next 3 days. Moving is tough-especially with two kiddos! The things running through my mind were not things you would forget. Like "Don't forget to pack the glasses". Duh. So, alas, I got up and came downstairs to do some of the mindless tasks I had set aside for tomorrow (well, now later today), like packing those darn glasses.
What's really tough is moving from a 1600 square foot house to a 600 square foot appartment (I don't know if those are the actual dimensions). To catch you up, me and fam are renting out our house and moving in to my mom's back house. It is a one-bedroom, one bathroom joint with endless cupboard space in the kitchen (but no dishwasher *%#@). Our little guy will be sleeping is "his" room in the main house and the baby will sleep in a pack n play in our room. The main reasons for the move are:
1. Closer driving distance to work
2. Thus, save money on gas
3. Save money due to less rent and utilities
4. Fontana is so dang hot, windy, and far. Although we have been getting so many new stores/restaurants in the last year!
So the plan is to move all of the necessities to the new place this week and be living there by Sunday. Then everything else will go into storage. It's going to be crazy, but we will manage!
I heard a great quote on Oprah the other day. The gist of it was, "Life is not about being successful. It's about being significant." WOW! I love it! But then I got to thinking, "Am I being significant?" I hope that I am significant to at least some of the children I teach. I hope I make a significant sontribution to society in some way. (Not looking for sympathy comments here.)
On a related note, I have been thinking about doing the Avon Walk again this year. Now that we have officially put off the Colorado move for a bit, I can commit to doing the walk (which is in September). I skipped it last year since I had a c-section 6 weeks before the walk. For those of you who don't know, I did the walk two years ago (2005) with my dear friend Darcy. God laid it on my heart to sign up for it in like January or something. Come to find out, my mom was diagnosed with Breast cancer 3 days before the walk! She is doing great-had the tumors removed and went through radiation treatments. No chemo! No masectomy! YEAH! Obviously this was the reason God put this in my life. That walk really gave me the support I needed at that difficult time.
So, I am signing up! I will post a link to my Avon Walk page so you can visit it (and pledge if you so choose).
Goodnight, I hope . . .
What's really tough is moving from a 1600 square foot house to a 600 square foot appartment (I don't know if those are the actual dimensions). To catch you up, me and fam are renting out our house and moving in to my mom's back house. It is a one-bedroom, one bathroom joint with endless cupboard space in the kitchen (but no dishwasher *%#@). Our little guy will be sleeping is "his" room in the main house and the baby will sleep in a pack n play in our room. The main reasons for the move are:
1. Closer driving distance to work
2. Thus, save money on gas
3. Save money due to less rent and utilities
4. Fontana is so dang hot, windy, and far. Although we have been getting so many new stores/restaurants in the last year!
So the plan is to move all of the necessities to the new place this week and be living there by Sunday. Then everything else will go into storage. It's going to be crazy, but we will manage!
I heard a great quote on Oprah the other day. The gist of it was, "Life is not about being successful. It's about being significant." WOW! I love it! But then I got to thinking, "Am I being significant?" I hope that I am significant to at least some of the children I teach. I hope I make a significant sontribution to society in some way. (Not looking for sympathy comments here.)
On a related note, I have been thinking about doing the Avon Walk again this year. Now that we have officially put off the Colorado move for a bit, I can commit to doing the walk (which is in September). I skipped it last year since I had a c-section 6 weeks before the walk. For those of you who don't know, I did the walk two years ago (2005) with my dear friend Darcy. God laid it on my heart to sign up for it in like January or something. Come to find out, my mom was diagnosed with Breast cancer 3 days before the walk! She is doing great-had the tumors removed and went through radiation treatments. No chemo! No masectomy! YEAH! Obviously this was the reason God put this in my life. That walk really gave me the support I needed at that difficult time.
So, I am signing up! I will post a link to my Avon Walk page so you can visit it (and pledge if you so choose).
Goodnight, I hope . . .
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Hilarious Must Sees!!!!!
If you don't already know, I love J.T. (that is, Jultin Timberlake). He's a great artist. And now we find out he is absolutely hilarious as well! If you did not see him on SNL (Saturday Night Live, for those of you who live in a box), he was so funny! Here are a few videos from that! Enjoy:
Warning: Explicit!
Warning: Explicit!
Monday, April 9, 2007
How cute is my daughter! I just have to brag. Sorry. Unfortunately the weather was very drizzly on Easter so we did not make it to church. Only Papa and Noni got to see her in the dress.
I feel awful though, as we got Kelsey all dressed up, I went in to Connor's room to get him dressed and realized I hadn't bought him an Easter outfit as well. He doesn't even have a button down shirt that fits him right now!

I feel awful though, as we got Kelsey all dressed up, I went in to Connor's room to get him dressed and realized I hadn't bought him an Easter outfit as well. He doesn't even have a button down shirt that fits him right now!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Resurection Eggs
We went to an Easter Egg Hunt at a farm today with a bunch of people from Church. It was really fun! Connor really got the whole egg hunt this year. Also, they told the story of Jesus' death and resurection. They used 12 eggs as props, and each one had a different item inside symbolizing Jesus' journey to Jerusalem all the way through the resurrection. Connor caught on very quickly that in order to be picked you had to raise your hand at just the right time.
He finally got picked for egg number 8 (which ended up being a white cloth to symbolize the shrouds they wrapped the body in) and was so excited! He ran up to the front yelling "I get to open it!" It was really cute.
Although what was not cute, was him later screaming because he wanted to start the egg hunt. Embarrassing? Why yes!
What was cute though was on the way to the farm we saw a lot of cows. After a while Connor yelled out " I . . . LOVE . . . COWS!!!!!!!"
Here are some pics from our day at the farm.

He finally got picked for egg number 8 (which ended up being a white cloth to symbolize the shrouds they wrapped the body in) and was so excited! He ran up to the front yelling "I get to open it!" It was really cute.
Although what was not cute, was him later screaming because he wanted to start the egg hunt. Embarrassing? Why yes!
What was cute though was on the way to the farm we saw a lot of cows. After a while Connor yelled out " I . . . LOVE . . . COWS!!!!!!!"
Here are some pics from our day at the farm.

Monday, March 26, 2007
I have a what?????
I have a three year old????? CRAZY! I think I will say that every time Connor has a birthday. We had his party, which was very fun this year. Not that the other parties were not fun, but this one seemed less stressful. I did way less planning, less cleaning, less everything. Plus, Connor was in the bounce house the whole day, so I didn't have to worry about him at all!
Here are some pics!

Here are some pics!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Well, Dan and I had a really romantic Valentine's day this year. Wait for it . . . wait for it . . . Yes we went to Fatburger and the Laker Game!!!! Actually, it was really fun. But not romantic at all. We didn't even get on the kissing cam! But at least we saw Zach Braff!
Here are Kelsey's Valentine's Day Pics:

Here are Kelsey's Valentine's Day Pics:

Saturday, January 27, 2007
"Me love you long time..."
So, I haven't blogged in a while. ......Well a really long while! I started back to work at the beginning of December and it has been crazy trying to keep up on work and life with two kids. Once you get past the 3 month mark with a newborn life becomes soooooo much easier. And I couldn't have asked for a more well behaved, easy baby who is a great sleeper and follows a schedule to a tea! That makes life soooo easy! If you are a mom (or going to be one) I highly recommend getting you kids on a schedule, albeit a flexible one. "Baby Wise" is our baby bible. (So to speak) It has GREAT ideas and really helps you get a handle on the mom thing.
Wow that was a tangent!
So, Kelsey sat up, got her first tooth and ate cereal for the first time all in one week! She is growing up so quickly! She will be 6 months old soon! I can't believe how time flies!
Connor went pee pee in the potty twice last week also! What a big boy! We are so proud he is on the road to potty training!
For those of you who don't know, we are planning a move to Colorado this summer! We are very excited and nervous all at the same time! It is just time for us to get out of California. We love Colorado and have found a new home to buy.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Seriously. Seriously?????
Grey's update:
Two proposals in one night? Seriously???? SHOCKING
I don't even remember much else about the episode. I do remember crying, but that is nothing new. I think I cry during every episode. OH-I am glad Christina gave in and started speaking to Burke. She's an idiot. I never thought she would give in. Very unlike her.
Speaking of idiots, Will Isaiah Washington (Burke) be fired? aka, written off the show. Why the H-E-double hockey sticks did he bring the whole "faggot" incident up again at the Globes? And why bring it up only to lie about it? Kudos to TR for going on Ellen to discuss.
Two proposals in one night? Seriously???? SHOCKING
I don't even remember much else about the episode. I do remember crying, but that is nothing new. I think I cry during every episode. OH-I am glad Christina gave in and started speaking to Burke. She's an idiot. I never thought she would give in. Very unlike her.
Speaking of idiots, Will Isaiah Washington (Burke) be fired? aka, written off the show. Why the H-E-double hockey sticks did he bring the whole "faggot" incident up again at the Globes? And why bring it up only to lie about it? Kudos to TR for going on Ellen to discuss.
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