Well, It's day five of Sore Throat 07. It's not a good campaign. I think the nasal irrigation has taken my normal moisture away and I have the driest throat EVER. So, I now sound sexy, or manish, depending on what you think is sexy.
Connor went poo-poo in the potty again last night, so we started the poo-poo chart on the fridge. 5 Stickers and he can get Harvey!!! What's amazing is when he just disappears and then comes out of the bathroom with the good news.
Kelsey has started standing up in her crib. The problem is that she can't figure out how to sit back down for some reason and stands there SCREAMING her head off and biting the crib rail. She gets hysterical. It's really bad. We have tried to teach her how to slide her hands down the rail to sit back down, but she has not gotten the hang of it. What I don't understand is that babies just fall onto their butts all the time when they are first learning to stand or walk. But in the crib-where it's padded-it somehow becomes impossible to just sit back down???? Weird.
Trebs mentioned that she is currently watching The Tudors. Great show-if you missed it, rent it when it comes out. Speaking of . . . Did you see the season finale? The opening scene of the season finale was, for lack of a better word, grody! To put it as nicely as I can, in the opening scene King Henry is standing there pleasuring himself while a mae servant is kneeling in front of him with a cloth to catch the . . . well, you get the idea. Sounds like a new episode of ˆDirty jobsˆ. Ha ha ha!