My baby turns 2 today. I can't believe it! She is amazing. She loves to talk (although most of you have not heard her) really loud. She loves baby dolls and cars. She sings off key and skips 7 and 8 when counting to 10. She know most of her ABC's and loves guacamole. She has big, beautiful blue eyes and thinks all of the characters on Little Einsteins are named June. Her hair is finally long enough to put in pony tails and she is finally starting to stand still for this (which means I will have to get up even earlier come fall). Her favorite activities are closing doors, pushing her stroller around, and putting lids on water bottles (no toys required!). She finally can say Tinkerbell and now screams it at the top of her lungs when any Disney movie begins. She is a gem. I love her and I love being her mommy.
So cute. I love those pictures. Glad you are such a happy mommy. Kids are such a gift. Hope your summer is going well. Mine is officially over on Sunday! Bummer!
Photos are adorable! I can't believe she's two already. Ponytails are awesome... love that! I can definitely relate to the dashboard. I cleaned out my car yesterday and there were enough toys for a preschool under the back seat!
I like the new blog template... very soothing! :)
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