Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The terrible two's strike...

Well, we have entered the terrible two's. Connor had two temper tantrums this afternoon within about 10 minutes of each other. I have come to realize the main problem is that he cannot communicate what he wants and gets frustrated or he wants something he can't have and gets frustrated. Lately this is happening a lot.

Why is it that he is so well behaved with other people? At day care today he apparently said "please" on his own all day-without being reminded! This is wonderful! It means all of my training is paying off! But, please let that sweet little boy come home with me!!!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

It's a girl!

Well, we found out we are having a girl! We are very excited! Now we will have one of each and our family will be complete (no more kids!). The doctor said "I don't see any boy parts..." Then added, "That looks like a vagina". So, we are pretty sure, although there is always the chance that he could be wrong.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Cute Connor moments

Today I caught Connor "singing" Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!! So cute! He was just playing with a truck in the other room and started to recite the words. I Say "singing" because he doesn't ever sing. He just says the words to things. Obviously he did not get my penchant for singing.

He also said "Thanks" today for the first time instead of "Thank You". What a grown up boy!