Monday, July 30, 2007

Poop Watch 2007

Kelsey has learned how to shake her head no! It's so cute! She does it to copy you and it's her new dance move!!!! Hilarious! She also did a "hands in the air like you don't care" dance in the car today for most of a Pink Floyd song. So funny! I can't believe Kelsey will be one next week! She is still so little - yet getting so big! No word on first steps . . . I will of course post that!!!

Poop Watch 2007:
We are still waiting for Poop #5 so we can get "Harvey" the train (see previous blog entry "Dirty Jobs" with the picture of the poo-poo chart). Connor has started pooping during naptime, so it's hard to catch him to go to the bathroom. (BTW, we do put a diaper on him for bed!!!) He went pee-pee standing up for the first time on Saturday. Dan was so proud and thought that deserved the final sticker. Men... :-)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Fire Truck

You know how kids, boys especially LOVE fire trucks. . . well we were searching for videos of fire trucks on You Tube for Connor to see and we came across this one!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Book Release Impending!!!

I just finished re-reading book 5. I finished it 2 days before the movie came out, which gave me a bit of a biased point of view. I kept pointing out to Dan when things were different between the book and movie.

I am going to re-read book 6 now and hope to be done by the release time. Here's a countdown!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

We went and saw The Order of the Phoenix today. It was really, REALLY good. Very cool camera angles and up to date stuff like that. Of course, there were many changes in the story line and some stuff was left out. But the book is the longest book in the world, second only to the Bible. Here's a
  • Quiz
  • to take!

    Find out your Harry Potter personality at LiquidGeneration!

    Thursday, July 5, 2007

    Not a good way to get a "Colon Cleansin'"

    Check out this headline!

  • Drain Sucks out Girl's Intestines

  • Not a good situation in any circle! Makes you want to cross your legs. Also makes you wonder what in the heck the girl was doing sitting on a freaking drain at the bottom of the pool! And for long enough to suck out her intestines????? Parents-hello??? Watch the child in the pool!!!!