Monday, September 24, 2007


I wish I had this information to tell a crazy parent I had last year. . . Did you know for a teacher to teach all of the national/state standards that are required for Kindergarten through 12th grade it would take 27 years????? No wonder the US is so low on the list of educational achievment! We are trying to teach too many things EVERY YEAR! And we don't have enough time to teach mastery because we have to move on so we can cover all of our standards! Crazy! All of us teachers have known this all along, but the stupid people on the State Board of Education or our NEA or CTA are not doing their jobs to make it any better.

Don't get me started on the NEA or CTA. I have to pay dues to them and then they spend my money telling me to vote for certain candidates for all kinds of different offices. And you should see these leaflets they send out; professional grade color photos and all. Very expensive looking. Thank you for spending my money telling me to vote for someone I don't want to vote for. One of my coleagues even got a text message today telling them to vote for someone in particular! Unbelievable!

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