Sunday, October 5, 2008


About 3:30 yesterday I started to have really bad stomach pains.  They were excruciating to the point of me crying-a lot.  I thought it might be my gall bladder.  I went to the ER and they gave me some green foamy stuff that tasted like scope to "calm" my stomach (didn't help).  Then they gave me a pain medication in my IV which took the edge off the pain, but it came back full force after about an hour.  The doctor poked and prodded me and decided it was stomach inflamation, rather than my gall bladder or appendix.  Then they gave me morphine-which worked within minutes-and sent me home.

So, I can't eat spicy food, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, acidic foods, etc.  But at this point I don't really want anything.  I had some plain past last night and did OK.  This morning my raisin bran made the pain come back and has been here all day.  I will try soup tomorrow.

I was given a prescription antacid (plavorix?) and vicodin.  I am still in some pain, but at least it is bearable today.  

I was very upset, however that I missed girls night to see The Women!  HOW WAS IT???

1 comment:

Fifecat75 said...

Let me know how your doing later. I'm praying your health is resolved soon.