Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I am currently reading Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See.
This is a novel about the life of a chinese woman I believe in the late 1800's or early 1900's. It tracks her entire life, talks about the customs and traditions of her region, explains different rituals, ceremonies, festivals, etc. It is extremely interesting and a great story. I highly recommend it!

Anyway, the book details the custom of footbinding, which I knew little about. I find it a horrible, painful, and unnecesary custom. I am wondering if this awful tradition might have been invented by a man. Here is why (a quote from pg 37 of the book):
" 'The cleft is as deep as this inner girl's folds. She will make her husband a happy man.' ... 'The way her heel curves dowm like a sac with her forefoot pointed out just so will remind her husband of his own member. All day long that lucky man will be thinking of bed business.' "
Reminds him of his member?

Ummmm-phallic looking feet...sounds like it was invented by a man.

Here is a site that shows more about footbing. WARNING: Graphic Pictures!

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