Thursday, June 15, 2006

Last Day!

Yea! The last day of school has arrived and with it 7 weeks of pre-baby maternity leave built right in! Of course I won't get paid... But 7 weeks to prepare for baby day!

I am so sick of school right now. I have had a really great year, but the last week of school is always so hard. The kids are so hyper and loud! Even if you show a movie they talk the whole time! Today I had a kid shoving another kid, then picked up his science fair project and hit the other kid over the head with it! Needless to say, I sent him to the office and he will not be attending my class tomorrow.

I told a few kids today, that were goofing around, that I spend the whole year liking you-don't ruin it today and make me not like you on the last day of school!

I have spent the last week preparing my classroom for a long term substitute for September. It is a lot of work trying to remember everything to tell the sub. The problem is I have to think of absolutely EVERY little detail to tell the sub because he will be training my kids to do everything the way I want. I have already typed like 6 pages-single spaced! I have photocopied enough stuff to last till November and have to file it all. Anyway, I have not had a relaxing last week of school!

Well, Baby day is officially Monday, August 7th! I will be having a c-section, so we schedule it ahead of time. For those of you who don't know, when I had Connor I was in labor for 12 hours and only dialated to 5 cm. They decided to do a c-section, which ended being a good thing because the cord was wrapped around Connor's neck.

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