Friday, April 13, 2007

Sleepless in Fontana

Well, my brain just would not turn off tonight, thinking off the endless tasks to do in the next 3 days. Moving is tough-especially with two kiddos! The things running through my mind were not things you would forget. Like "Don't forget to pack the glasses". Duh. So, alas, I got up and came downstairs to do some of the mindless tasks I had set aside for tomorrow (well, now later today), like packing those darn glasses.

What's really tough is moving from a 1600 square foot house to a 600 square foot appartment (I don't know if those are the actual dimensions). To catch you up, me and fam are renting out our house and moving in to my mom's back house. It is a one-bedroom, one bathroom joint with endless cupboard space in the kitchen (but no dishwasher *%#@). Our little guy will be sleeping is "his" room in the main house and the baby will sleep in a pack n play in our room. The main reasons for the move are:
1. Closer driving distance to work
2. Thus, save money on gas
3. Save money due to less rent and utilities
4. Fontana is so dang hot, windy, and far. Although we have been getting so many new stores/restaurants in the last year!

So the plan is to move all of the necessities to the new place this week and be living there by Sunday. Then everything else will go into storage. It's going to be crazy, but we will manage!

I heard a great quote on Oprah the other day. The gist of it was, "Life is not about being successful. It's about being significant." WOW! I love it! But then I got to thinking, "Am I being significant?" I hope that I am significant to at least some of the children I teach. I hope I make a significant sontribution to society in some way. (Not looking for sympathy comments here.)

On a related note, I have been thinking about doing the Avon Walk again this year. Now that we have officially put off the Colorado move for a bit, I can commit to doing the walk (which is in September). I skipped it last year since I had a c-section 6 weeks before the walk. For those of you who don't know, I did the walk two years ago (2005) with my dear friend Darcy. God laid it on my heart to sign up for it in like January or something. Come to find out, my mom was diagnosed with Breast cancer 3 days before the walk! She is doing great-had the tumors removed and went through radiation treatments. No chemo! No masectomy! YEAH! Obviously this was the reason God put this in my life. That walk really gave me the support I needed at that difficult time.

So, I am signing up! I will post a link to my Avon Walk page so you can visit it (and pledge if you so choose).

Goodnight, I hope . . .

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